logo design
Here are samples of our logo design work which are a mix of graphical and illustrative.
This logo was generated for Changes Health & Wellbeing charity who are based in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire. The fluidity of the design represents the calming flow of change.
Just Be Mindful logo was generated to promote mindfulness services for the charity Changes.
This graphic was generated for Remploy to celebrate 60 years of expanding opportunities for their workforce.
Product logo to promote a specfic type of perimeter fencing.
Healthy Minds, a nationwide NHS service, we generated the logo for Stoke on Trent and transferred the use of the rainbow graphic and happy faces through their literatures, social media and website.
The above are cartoon illustration logos for clients in Australia and Italy plus photographic and illustrative logos for clients in the UK and France.
All work protected under copyright 2022 © Chris Altham. Should you wish to commission work, please email think blink.